Thursday, 7 January 2016

my short review of 2015

my 'new years resolution' for 2015 was to watch a film a day for a year and it was very successful.
not at easy as i thought it would be; i was thinking i normally send about 90 minutes after getting home just faffing around so i can replace that with a movie. the main problem was, i would still faff around after getting home! :-)
plus if i decided not to watch one one day i would have to make that up another day.

my stand out new films for 2015 are [in no order] The Martian, Mad Max: Fury Road, and Sicario.
my film diary of 2015:  LETTERBOXD

also my stand out new TV show was Mr Robot which seemed to come out of nowhere and knock my socks off.
it was was quite a sad year for Fannibals as the last season of Hannibal aired [season 3] it wasn't as amazing as season 2 i think, but, still a epic TV show which not enough people got in to

it seems my most played song last year was a tie between Bloc Party's Like Eating Glass, The Prodigy's The Day Is My Enemy and The Chemical Brothers Sometimes I Feel So Deserted each with 14 plays, followed closely by Ed Rush & Optical's The Turnover with 13
looks like from my account that i have played just over 7500 songs in 2015, which is my second highest since joining the site in 2010. 2012 being the best year.
heres a link to the tracks: LAST.FM

best new video games of 2015 would have to be Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved on the PS Vita and Forza 6 for the X-Box One. its been a bit of a bad year for the Playstation 4 for me, as i didn't play any new games on it.
although i did start Steam PC gaming and my stand out game last year was Assault Android Cactus
 games i played in 2015:  EXOPHASE

for 2016 i'm going to be doing a TV season a month, which will not include the on going TV shows i'm watching at the moment